Green Pomelo Vietnam is the fruit growing Ben Tre Province, Vietnam.
Pomelo is one of the main export fruits of Vietnam. This is a high-quality product from Vietnam and has long storage time, about 90 days at 6-8 degrees Celsius. Pink pomelo is a pomelo variety that originated in Ben Tre province. Up to now, this pomelo variety has been propagated and grown in many other places, but Ben Tre is still a famous land for its yield and quality. Green-skinned pomelo has been recognized as a national variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and has been exported to many different markets around the world.
- Green pomelo the best size will be weighing from 1.8 kg/fruit or more.
- Green pomelo Appearance: The skin is dark or a bit lighter green. After peeling the green skin, removing the white pulp, the pink flesh with crispy juice vesicles exposes.
- It has a mild sweetness, the characteristic gentle taste of Ben Tre’s pomelo.
- Nutritional analysis: rich in fiber, vitamin C (ascobic acid) 53.5 mg/kg, calcium: 149 mg/kg, potassium: 2320 mg/kg.
- Store in a dry, cool place.